Repositories (Latin repositorium "storage") serve to store and publish digital objects. There are different types of repositories (subject-specific, generic or institutional) - to find a suitable repository, KIT recommends the Registry of Research Data Repositories re3data. The KIT is involved in several repositories, you can find an overview under Services & Tools.
According to the rules of good scientific practice, research data should be stored for at least 10 years (DFG, KIT). To ensure this, the DFG and KIT recommend the use of repositories and make two institutional repositories available to researchers:
- RADAR4KIT: Archiving and publication of research data as well as collaborative work on the data.
- KITopen: Publication of full texts, posters, lectures, research data, images, audios and videos.
Both services are closely interlinked but differ in the options for publishing, editing, and storing research data, along with verification and subsequent use of the metadata.
For an initial consultancy on using these institutional research data repositories, you can make an appointment via contact∂
The actual research data is enriched with metadata for subsequent use by third parties. Furthermore, repositories have a search function with which users can find, view and download the data they contain. Further information on repositories can be found at